Dr. Gupta performs artistic body contouring with the FDA-approved Accusculpt Laser Lipo-Sculpting System in the office under local, tumescent anesthesia. This laser was the first in the industry to feature the revolutionary 1444 nm wavelength, which has been proven to be the ideal wavelength to selectively target fat cells, thereby avoiding any damage to surrounding nerves and vessels. Thus, Dr. Gupta’s technique, in comparison to traditional liposuction under general anesthesia with larger incisions, more downtime, and more bruising affords increased safety, accuracy, and efficiency with excellent results and rapid recovery.
The target age for patients is 20 to 70. Generally, younger, more elastic skin has greater ability to tighten or contract after subsurface volume reduction; older, less elastic skin is less able to adjust. Moreover, laser liposculpture tends to work best for patients who despite eating right and exercising, still have problem areas because of genetic predisposition. These can include the area under the chin, love handles, tummy pouches, saddle bags, inner thighs, above the knees, and inner arms. Rarely, Dr. Gupta will perform liposculpturing on highly motivated patients who will use the procedure to jumpstart their diet and exercise program for better diabetic control or overall health improvement.
What to Expect:
A thin (about ½ mm in diameter) laser fiber is inserted through a tiny opening in the skin and gently melts (emulsifies) the fat deposits and simultaneously heats of the undersurface of the skin to stimulate new collagen growth and improve skin tone. The liquefied fat is aspirated with a fine cannula inserted through the same opening. The procedure is pain-free because the treated area is first anesthetized with a tumescent solution consisting of saline and local anesthetic. Since there is little tissue trauma, postoperative pain is minimal to none and most patients return to work and normal activities after 2-3 days. The results become most noticeable after 3 weeks but continue to improve for up to 1 year.
Patients enjoy more proportionate figures after eliminating their problem areas and are excited to wear clothes that accentuate their new physique. Liposculpture can improve self-esteem, body self-image, productivity, and enthusiasm for life. Patients are even more motivated to have healthy eating habits and exercise regularly to maintain their new look.
(Please be advised that for illustrative purposes, this gallery contains nudity/partial nudity)
This young man had enlarged male breasts (called gynecomastia). It lowered his self-esteem and made him self-conscious about his body image; he was never able to wear form-fitting shirts nor go shirtless at the beach.15 Months After
After lipocontoring and excision of excess glandular tissue, he has a fantastic result with flattening of his chest and shrinkage of the areolar area. His confidence has been boosted and he has lost a good amount of weight with diet and exercise. Now, it's all about the pecs!
This 51 year old was always bothered by some excessive fullness and lack of tone in her thighs and arms despite exercise and diet. Because these problem areas made her self-conscious, she was never comfortable wearing a bikini at the beach.5 Weeks After
Nice contouring of inner/outer thighs and skin tightening with laser liposculpturing. Now, her diet and exercise go a long way!2 Months After
Look who's sporting a bikini now! This photo is courtesy of her husband, who proudly snapped this photo of her at the beach.
5 Weeks After
Beautifully toned arm without excess laxity or fullness. With laser lipo, the skin was nicely tightened and the unwanted fat deposits removed. She is also more motivated now to eat right and exercise, both of which help the ultimate result.5 Weeks After
Nice improvement of this arm as well.
Before, Arms Up
This 50 year old male had always been bothered by fullness below his belly button and his love handles, neither of which were responsive to diet and exercise.8 Months After, Arms Up
After laser lipo, he has reclaimed his masculine physique with flattening of his abdomen and nice contouring of his waist.
Before, Profile Right
This 43 year old had always been bothered by fullness under his jawline and under chin area. Despite eating right and exercising, he could never get rid of these stubborn fat pockets.3 Weeks After
After liposculpture of his jawline and submental (under the chin) area, there is a sharper jawline and a more chiseled look.
This 23 year old has a lovely hourglass figure but was always bothered by the saddle bags and inner thigh fullness. Diet and exercise did not seem to help.12 Days After
Despite the swelling, there is already a nice improvement.3 Months After
Beautifully sculpted result with excellent contouring. Note that she has had a nice "butt lift" by removing the excess fat from the inner thighs and saddle bags. Even her trainer was impressed by her "assets!"
This 42 year old female had been bothered by abdominal fullness for many years. As per Dr. Gupta's request, she tried for one year to diet and exercise to lose those stubborn fat pockets but did not succeed. At this point, she desired to undergo liposculpture to jumpstart her weight and inch loss.3 Weeks After
A dramatic improvement just 3 weeks after lipo!8 Months After
Her belly is virtually flat! She has been diligent about proper diet and exercise and this has helped her optimize her result.
Note the folds created by excess fat in her back.3 Weeks After
Despite no lipo being performed on her back, there is an improvement of the back as well. This is due to her diet and exercise regimen and improved overall metabolism likely stimulated by loss of excess fat.8 Months After
Continued contouring as the weight and inches come off after lipo, diet, exercise.
Before, Outer Left Arm
This 41 year old had always disliked the fullness and sagging of her triceps area in both arms. This area was resistant to diet and exercise.4 Months After
Laser lipo was successful in removing the stubborn fat pockets in the triceps area as well as tightening the skin to improve the overall definition and tone of her arms.
This 42 year old is fanatic about exercising but despite intense workouts, she could not get rid of the "double bubble", the area of fullness under her buttock area. She loves wearing tight exercise pants but they accentuate the mound below the gluteal area.4 Months After
Beautiful transformation of the problem area. Eliminating the double bubble allowed her buttocks to be rounder, tighter, and more lifted.7 Months After
Now she is flaunting her sculpted new look!
This naturally thin college student has always been plagued by her love handles which have prevented her from wearing tight T-shirts or bikinis.1 Year After
There is a nice improvement of her figure after liposculpture of her abdominal sides. With no more love handles, she loves wearing bikinis and tight shirts now!
Before, Right Arm
This otherwise fit 56 year old had always been bothered by stubborn fat pockets in her triceps/underarm area that obscured full visibility of her muscle definition.1 Week After
As early as a week after liposculpturing, there is significantly improved definition of her biceps and triceps with no excess fat or loose skin.
This 53 year old was unsuccessful in trying to lose inches from her abdomen. She was quite frustrated with this problem area and desired liposuction to jumpstart her wish to obtain a more proportionate figure.6 Weeks After
Despite swelling, there is already a nice flattening of the abdominal bulges. Because she has already dropped several sizes, she is now more motivated to eat right and exercise.
This 61 year old had been plagued by saddle bags for many years and she yearned to wear jeans and look proportionate in them.3 Weeks After
Just a few weeks after lipo, she has dropped several sizes and is wearing jeans she has not fit into for years--and she looks great in them!15 Months After
Undergoing liposcupture and losing inches incentivized this patient to embark on a healthy diet/exercise regimen which helped her achieve this beautiful hourglass figure!
This 42 year old had noted increased jowling and a double chin.1 Month After
After lipocontouring of her chin, jowl, and jawline, there is a leaner, more sculpted look. Some swelling is still present.5 1/2 Years After
Continued improvement of her lower face without any other procedures after her jowl/chin/jawline lipo.
Note fullness of the lower face, under the chin and jawline.1 Month After
Improved contouring and sculpture. People are complimenting her "weight loss" due to her slimmer face.5 1/2 Years After
Note continued improvement of the jawline definition with tighter skin, due to the collagen building effect from the laser lipo procedure done 5 years prior.