Brow Lift

The position of our brows is influenced by genetics, sun exposure, gravity, and facial expressions.  Heavy, droopy brows not only add age to the face but can also cause headaches, deep forehead lines, or compromised vision from weighing down the eyelids.  Thus, a brow lifting procedure may be beneficial to open up the eyes or alleviate lines.

Dr. Gupta does not perform conventional brow lifting surgery, wherein the entire forehead is lifted (usually endoscopically) under general anesthesia.   This type of brow lift is aggressive and can lead to high arched brows and hollowed upper lids (the dreaded “deer in headlights” look) especially if overcorrected.

For most patients, it is the tail of the brow that descends with age and gravity as there is no bony attachment for the outer third of the brow.  The droopy brow then causes lateral eyelid hooding and heavier crow’s feet around the eyes.   Thus, Dr. Gupta performs a conservative, direct brow lift with a small incision hidden along the tail of the brow primarily to open up the eye and attain a modest lift of the down-turned brow.  It takes under 30 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia, either alone or in conjunction with blepharoplasty.


Patient #1 – please click on any image to enlarge, see details and slideshow

Before: Drawn, tired look with heavy, saggy eyelids and brows.
After: Uplifted, brighter look with nicely arched brows, sculpted upper lids, and smoother lower lids.
Procedure: Brow Lift, Laser Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty

Patient #2 – please click on any image to enlarge, see details and slideshow

Before: Drooping brows with severe eyelid hooding (see profile photos), heavy upper lids, baggy lower lids.
After: Refreshed, rejuvenated look with lifted brows, sculpted upper eyelids, improved hooding, and smoother lower lids.
Procedures: Brow lift, Laser Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty

Patient #3 – please click on any image to enlarge, see details and slideshow

Before: Tired, drawn look with saggy upper lids, baggy lower lids, and droopy brows causing lateral eyelid hooding.
After: Younger, uplifted look with gently sculpted upper lids, tighter lower lids, and lifted brows. He still looks like himself–just more refreshed!
Procedures: Brow Lift, Laser Upper and Lower Blepharoplasty.

Patient #4 – please click on any image to enlarge, see details and slideshow

Before: Asymmetrical, tired look with saggy upper lids, ptosis left upper lid, and brow droop causing lateral eyelid hooding.
After: Rejuvenated look with elevated brows, sculpted and symmetrical upper lids.
Procedures: Brow lift, Laser Upper Blepharoplasty, Ptosis Repair Left Upper Lid

Patient #5 – please click on any image to enlarge, see details and slideshow

Before: Tired, aged look caused by severe hooding from droopy brows/heavy upper lids and baggy lower lids.
After: Brighter, younger, and refreshed look after brow lift, laser upper and lower blepharoplasty.

Patient #6 – please click on any image to enlarge, see details and slideshow

Before: Droopy brows and saggy upper eyelid skin causing hooding; baggy lower lids.
After: Refreshed, younger look after brow lift, laser upper and lower blepharoplasty.
Note how brow lift, upper lid, and lower lid laser lines have healed seamlessly and invisibly.

Patient #7 – please click on any image to enlarge, see details and slideshow

Before: Severe hooding from droopy brows and extensive amount of loose, redundant upper eyelid skin. Also note baggy lower lids. Tired, aged look.
After: Younger, brighter look after brow lift (to improve lateral hooding), laser upper and lower blepharoplasty.

Patient #8 – please click on any image to enlarge, see details and slideshow

Before: Pronounced hooding from droopy brows and heavy upper lids.
After: Direct, lateral brow lift and laser upper blepharoplasty. Note improved eyelid hooding and elevated tail of brow. Natural, refreshed look that is sustained even 5 years later. This patient may be able to go another 7-10 years before requiring any enhancement of her upper lids or brows.